At Avanti, we guarantee that every student will receive the highest quality language training. Our students’ satisfaction rate is extremely high and we can boast many students who repeat year after year.

Radu Constantinescu
I enjoyed all the activities. They were very joyful and exciting. I want to come next year.

Martyna Rynkowska
It was one of my best experiences. I met a lot of fantastic people and improved my English.

Melissa Terrazas
Since Day 1, Avanti was a home to me, it was much more than just a school.

Mariko Mori
I love this Avanti. I just want to say it was a great experience for me. I mean Everything!

Elena De La Cruz
Definitely one of the most enriching experiences of my life.

Delphin Dekimpe
I improved my English during this week. Thank you for the welcome. I hope you will continue like this.

Tarané Lebrero Andreu
It was the best experience I’ve ever had in my life. I’m sure it made me grow as a person and I won’t ever forget about all of this. Thank you!

Natashe Ingrid Garcia Fogatti
The teachers were excellent professionals. I’m delighted to have had the opportunity to learn with them!

Marie A. B.
A complete school with classes, a social programme and the library. The team helped me to achieve more than my goal: passing the CPE level with CAE lessons. Thanks and please keep up with the same levels of service!

Gul Biriz Ozkan
My life started to change with you because you taught to me how to be a big family with other people wherever they are from. I hope everybody needing to improve herself/himself, will experience being in Avanti!

Carmen Perez
This 3 weeks I had a lot of fun and I would like to come back next year. Thank you for everything, all the people are so friendly. I had a lot of fun riding horsed and I learnt so much!

Emilie Dulait
This was a super experience. The teachers, the lessons the school…was super. My favourite activity was Horse Riding!